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God – the True Shepherd

The word Pastor comes from Latin word shepherd. Pastoral Ministry is Leading God’s people. A leader’s roles and responsibilities are to educate people through the word of God and provide Christian counseling in a therapeutic environment.
The idea starts with God himself, God Shepherds and governs the Nation of  Israel and Leads his people through a wilderness experience to a land with much promise and provision a place of stability and safety .
Pastoral Care comes from the most famous description Psalm 23. The Psalm the Shepherd leads, guides, feeds, comforts and protects his sheep. The true Shepherd ensures the eternal security of his sheep.
In John 10:27-28 We can see this ultimately in the true Shepard illustrates his people his followers his sheep in verse 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
This exhibit of a True shepherd that cares for the sheep is also applied to Israel’s leaders. They are to lead, guide, feed, comfort and protect the people by teaching and living out the Word of God among them. Israel’s failure on this front through disobedience and idolatry. Warned of God by the prophets raising day and night introducing a law of God to take heed.
False Teachers on the other hand flee when they see an enemy wanting to devour the sheep. This denotes leaders accountable for this action and are hurling and do not care for the sheep, God himself, will replace these oppressive shepherds. God will act to save his sheep and provide for them (Ezekiel 34:7–11).
The Prophets of Old, Prophesied Gods promised and liberation to Israel and God himself will provide a Atonements for Mankind. To destroy sin once and for all through the new covenant of his blood,  the Messiah from the line of tribe of Judah King David  will rule over all and become the Author or captain of our salvation and to govern his people (Ezekiel 34:23–24).

The Good Shepherd

God’s fulfils his promises made through Ezekiel. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Good and true Shepherd who rescues this sheep (John 10:14–16). He will not only gather in the lost sheep of Israel, but also people from all nations where they were scattered and unite them together under himself, this amazing thing about the true Shepherd is instead of slaughtering the sheep because of sin, he allows himself to be slaughtered in their place. And Christ himself becomes the sacrificial lamb.
Gods plan is saving and caring for his sheep this extends to all generations and to the utmost place of the earth. As we find in John 1:12 Kinjg James Version (KJV) Verse 12 But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.
Church Governance structure and leadership as in heaven so on earth, Jesus provides this authority by commandment. Jesus the true shepherd has always remained matchless and a Great model to follow.

Shepherds/Pastors and teachers of the Law.

The book of Acts introduces the beginnings of Christian pastoral ministry and church age. the gospel spreads and churches begin to grow through the teaching of the Apostles the 12 of Jesus Christ, leaders are installed as oversees of the flock congregations.
The Apostle Paul spent three years pastoring the church in Ephesus, and he uses the name called of God another name of  shepherd or pastor when encouraging the Ephesian elders to continue his work (Acts 20:28–32). The church is precious to God. It is purchased with his blood. It belongs to him. Pastoral care is of utmost importance.
Knowing this, Paul urges the Ephesian elders to teach God’s word of Grace, to see the church growing and harvest into maturity, standing firm against false teacher also called gain sayers, an example of Paul ministry was much had devoted by his responsibility and revelation while on his way to Damascus (Acts 9) .
With the spread of the gospel and the establishment of churches, people being equipped and appointed to oversee and care for these congregations also being filled with the Holy Spirit as a sign of their initial conversion (Acts 1:5). Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus are particularly helpful in understanding pastoral ministry. In fact, they are often described as the Pastoral letters. Paul is looking toward the future, raising up leaders, shaping their priorities, emphasising both life and doctrine, character and teaching. working toward ensure the gospel remains a central part to the life of the church. Through patient’s diligence gathering their fruits unto eternal life.
The Apostle Peter Meaning of "Rock" In the original Greek the word translated as "Peter was given by Christ to Peter (Luke 22:32) I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren also encourages pastoral care in the churches. He is concerned about the heart of the pastor or under Shepard’s and calls his fellow elders to allow the gospel to shape their attitude and ministry. They are also to be willing, generous, and eager to serve as they exercise their pastoral ministry among the flock in the local community, all the while looking forward to the return of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Pastoral Care

From this brief overview Pastoral Care and its importance is to facilitate Christian education, helps mystery in the Spirit of servant hood.
  • God is the ultimate the true shepherd of the sheep who promises to lead people into eternity with him and provide a safe haven away from all sickness and immorality.
  • Jesus is God and has appointed the under shepherds or overseers who give a life of service and servant hood to bring people into relationship with God and service.
  • Pastors lead by example and obedience to the gospel-shaped to the teaching and modelling application of God’s word of Grace in their lives.

Senior Pastor
Rymon Rizk
Ark of Truth Christian Fellowship



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